Why your brand needs a human-like personality (and how to give it one).


If you think your brand is just a logo and a catchy tagline, think again. Just like humans, brands can be inspiring or dull, magnetic or polarising. An effective brand personality slaps a human face on your brand, making it relatable and unique in a crowded and competitive landscape. So, let’s dive in and discover how to give your brand a personality that stands out.

Think of your favourite brands. Chances are, they have a distinct personality that makes them a sore thumb in a sea of pinky fingers. The world’s strongest brands create devotees by leveraging their unique personalities. And they’ve all done it by covering the key steps to identifying your brand’s personality traits and creating a brand that truly connects with your customers.

Whether it’s the 12 Jungian archetypes or Jenifer Aaker’s 5 dimensions framework, brand personality does not boil down to theory alone. To be successful, your brand personality should mirror your ideal customer. Just as we gravitate towards people whose personalities we like, customers do the same with brands. A relatable and appealing brand personality draws customers in, making them more likely to engage with your content and offerings.

Brand personality: the secret sauce of success

Let’s clear something up: brand personality is not some fluffy, feel-good concept. It's a critical component of brand positioning and competitive differentiation. The world's most valuable brands have personalities that are instantly familiar to their customers. Just think about how Starbucks makes you feel at home, the thrill Tesla owners get when they drive, or why Liquid Death fans are buying more than just sparkling water.

Brand personality is the part of your brand your customers identify with and build a relationship with. It plays a huge role in driving customer acquisition, fostering brand loyalty, and building brand equity. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes a brand personality tick.

Emotion vs. intelligence: the internal battle

Brands, like people, can be driven by emotion or intelligence. An emotionally driven brand is motivated by passion and zeal, whereas an intelligently driven brand is inspired by rational analysis and logical insight. Think of Dove versus IBM. Dove is all about beauty and body positivity – it speaks to your heart. IBM, on the other hand, is about data and insight – it speaks to your brain. Most brands will have a mix of both, but understanding where your brand falls on the EQ (emotional quotient) to IQ (intelligence quotient) spectrum is crucial. This helps define its more tangible attributes: its characteristics and behaviours.

Your brand characteristics describe how it's perceived externally. Just like people have defining features – height, weight, style – brands have characteristics based on their visual and verbal identities. Take Harley Davidson: it's rugged, powerful, and masculine. Brand behaviours, on the other hand, describe how your brand acts in the world, much like a person's daily conduct. Red Bull, for example, is daring and bold, sponsoring extreme sports events around the globe.

Relatability, recognition, and repetition

While we might not be able to shake hands with brands, it doesn't mean we don't relate to them on some subconscious level as if they were people. These brand quirks and idiosyncrasies make your brand relatable and differentiate it from the competition. The way your brand looks, sounds, and acts should be purposefully aligned with your brand positioning. Understanding personality branding helps you craft an authentic, magnetic, and consistent brand personality. The type that keeps customers coming back for more.

All this said, your brand personality attributes are only useful if they’re actually implemented. They should inspire the many touchpoints that make up the full gamut of your brand experience. Shaped by two fundamental aspects, your visual identity and its accompanying verbal identity rely on your brand personality’s ability to set the foundations of how each of these aspects comes to life.

At the end of the day, people tend to gravitate toward brands that reflect their ideals and values. A well-crafted brand personality makes it easier for customers to choose your products and services. So, let’s take your brand beyond its products’ mere features and benefits, and into a far deeper and more meaningful relationship with your customers. 

Is it time to put your personality to the test? Drop us a line.

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