All in a day’s words: why your brand deserves a copywriter


When you see successful brand slogans like “Just Do It”, or “Think Different”, you might feel like a brand is talking directly to you. That’s because the written geniuses behind those big brands made it possible. Iconic slogans don’t just come out of thin air. Familiar brands didn’t become household names by winging it. And taglines don’t get repeated by accident. Each word was carefully chosen to be remembered.

Why? Simple really. The right words stir emotion and create the feeling your brand needs its customers to experience. One wrong word can make or break your brand message and even keep your brand from reaching its true earning potential. That’s right. The wrong words can actually lose your business money.

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Copywriters strategically craft the exact language needed by your brand to connect with your target audience and start selling more. The caveat? Your product or service has to do what you say it can.

Although there’s far more, here’s 5 reasons brands need a professional copywriter. Like any decent copywriter will tell you, less is more when it comes to selling words.

1. Authority, trust, and more sales? Anyone?

What’s a brand without trust? Not a whole lot really.

Everything written by an expert copywriter is strategically chosen to establish the brand’s image and reputation. Writing a few simple words doesn’t make a copywriter.

With the specific and highly persuasive strategies of a copywriter, you’ll be able to:

  • Build loyalty through brand recognition
  • Create a sense of urgency to buy your product or service
  • Tap into a need only your product can meet
  • Get customers from ‘checked out’ to checkout
  • Reassure your customer they’ve made the right choice in purchasing your product or service

Once your customer trusts you, they stop looking at the competition. Fail to earn that trust and you may have to work twice as hard to get them back.

2. D & M’s before DM’s. Not afraid to get intimate.

Today’s markets bring new sets of challenges every day. But one thing that stays the same… people’s desires. Every person wants something. So, how do you reach them? A copywriter studies the psychology, preferences, and vocabulary to swoon the audience you’re trying to reach. Then, they’ll put that audience at the centre of the story. They show your customer how your product or service empowers them to finally become the person they were destined to be.

3. Putting a ring on your audience, every time.

Once a copywriter narrows down your brand’s target audience, their sole job is to put a ring on it. You know, get down on one knee and reach into their hearts and souls and pull out the finer details that make them say yes. Copy shows your product to the world. Good copy urges your ideal customer to take action and buy it. If a good company knows its audience, a good copywriter knows how to engage them.

4. Variety is the spice of life.

People’s moods can change like the seasons. And a copywriter always packs the right clothes. To keep your audience hooked, you’ll need different ways to engage. A copywriter can give them that. Good copywriters consistently communicate, but differently. They know the power behind using multiple platforms. The necessity of a break in the text. And the strength behind a few power words. Variety won’t just keep customers interested. It’ll sell.

5. Sorry, but it’s not about you. Really it’s not.

As much as you might love gushing about your brand, it won’t fly with customers. It’s not about you. Being too close to your product is dangerous. Being too close runs the risk of overselling. And customers will run a mile if they feel like they’re being sold to. That’s why clear messaging and brand perception plays an important role in establishing your brand. If your customer can’t see themselves needing the brand, they don’t want it. Copywriters build your brand around your customer, not the other way around.

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Bite the bullet. Don’t eat your words.

To make it in this world, your business needs to make magic. Your brand needs to reach the right people, establish trust and authority, and maintain it. Yes, anyone can write. But great copywriters help you get it right, and engage your audience from day one. Don’t let your brand get lost in all the noise.

Still wondering whether you need a brand copywriter for that catchy slogan?

Just Do It.

Brands who understand that words sell, get all the attention. And attention is currency.

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