Branding mistakes you could be making right now. Don’t cost yourself customers with these.


Sh*t happens. 

We saw this on a Tee shirt once. And no two truer words have been said.

But when it happens in the world of branding from a lack of care and planning, well that’s just not cool. And it could be costing your brand a pretty penny. Branding faux pas can make even the most respected and established brands look silly. From bad product launches and marketing oopsies’, to co-branding errors and tasteless advertising, these will send your customers packing — without your product.

Branding isn’t slinging mud at the wall and hoping it sticks. It’s that kind of hope-for-the-best decision-making and inconsistent messaging that, quite frankly, makes a brand sloppy. 

The not so Fab 5 branding mistakes that could be tripping you up.

Like a spider’s web of problems, many of these are woven and tangled together. That’s why it’s important to take a holistic look at your brand challenges.

1. You lack a clear vision for the brand.

Safe branding can often be put down to a lack of vision. When you don’t have a clear one, things get really foggy, really quickly. On the flip side, having a bold, clear vision, matched with a long-term plan to see it through will have you well on your way. 

The real kicker is being able to transfer your passion to others to help them believe in it enough to make it their own. As woo-woo as that might sound, without a greater sense of vision, your brand will get the wobbles quicksmart. A clear vision will provide a greater sense of continuity across the brand. Having objective brand consultants facilitate this critical conversation will help you surface it and articulate it. 

2. Your brand doesn’t reflect your culture.

We’ve often been brought in to help with a branding problem, and soon realised it’s rooted in a cultural problem. That awkward moment when it’s clear there’s a disconnect between what’s happening on the inside of the company (culture) and what’s being reflected on the outside (brand). An exercise in change management, getting your company culture right has a powerful influence on your brand. 

Whether you know it or not, your internal culture is influencing your success right now. Creating a unified internal-external brand experience, where you walk the talk will have you walking all over many of your competitors. A happier workplace means a better customer experience and a stronger brand.

3. Saving money at the expense of branding strategy

You get what you pay for. Yes Aunty Lorraine may be a whiz at Photoshop, but that won’t cut it when it comes to brand strategy. There’s almost nil ROI in getting an amateur to do branding strategy work. An effective branding process takes time and financial resources to bring to life. Branding strategies that are poorly planned, mismanaged, or under-managed aren’t going to boost your bottom line. 

4. You’re crushing on your competition.

Some clients are so focused on their competition they put themselves into brand paralysis. Yeah it’s smart to do due diligence and a competitive brand audit, but don’t let it leave you on the start line. Sure, you can check out their websites, read their content, take note of things they do well, but don’t put together a library’s worth of research. Rather than simply watching their videos, analysing their visuals and messaging on social media, collect it all and put it all together in a document. 

This provides a good foundation for visualising your competitor’s brands. But too much market research can lead to a mediocrity of mimicry. It’s sometimes helpful, but can walk a fine line of being distracting. At some point you have to have the confidence to blaze your own path. Just like there’s only one Apple. Be the next you.

5. Your brand has no story and lacks personality.

Stories inspire us. They’re the emotional glue that creates meaningful experiences between brands and their audience. Stories speak directly to the human condition, to our hardwired emotions and instincts. When we bang on about ‘brand personality’, we’re describing the way a brand expresses itself — the way it speaks and behaves, its character traits and attributes.

Imagine meeting your best friend for a drink and she tells you that her co-worker Ryan will be joining you. You’re excited to meet Ryan, but Ryan doesn’t really have a distinct point of view on anything. He has no stories to tell, and doesn’t share anything meaningful. Now, the next time your friend tells you she’s invited him along, are you looking forward to it? No, not really. Sorry Ryan.

By doing your bit to avoid these costly branding mistakes, you’ll stand a far better chance of captivating, influencing, and moving your market.

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